Candle Soylutions wholesale soy candle wax, supplies, fragrance oils, candle containers, soy candle kits and more, in Eugene Oregon

Eugene, Oregon Order Pickup Policy:
Sorry we cannot accomodate any walk-in customers, we need time to take care of our orders that are to be shipped out.

~Order pickup is just that. You are saving on shipping by picking up your order. This is a working warehouse, not a store. There is no shopping here or time to look over other items or add onto your order while you're here. We are not able to answer questions, pick out your wicks, or figure out how much wax you need while you're here. That all needs to be done ahead of time.

Product or Process Questions? Please email us ahead of time with any product or process questions. If you are just staring out you will find a wealth of information you don't have to wait for by visiting our Helpful Info/Instructions

~Orders must be placed online ahead of time. Every order comes through our site and be pre-paid. We need time, usually 24 hours notice, to get orders that already came in ahead of yours shipped, before we even get to your order and have it available.

~Retail? We do not have a retail store. Our website IS our showroom! Over 99% of our orders come in from customers that made their selections online without the ability to see, smell of feel the items in person. We all do it almost daily now. Sorry, we simply don't have the space or time for customers to come by and shop. Everything is boxed-there are no items on display. But you do have the convenience of not paying for shipping.

~Pickup appointments are reserved for orders too large to fit in the lock boxes outside. Appointments are usually between 10:00am-5:00pm TUESDAY-Friday only, and on a limited basis.
We simply get too many orders over the weekend that need to be packed and processed for shipping on Monday's before our UPS driver gets here.

Small order that will fit will go out in a lockbox outside. Then you can pickup at your convenience.

~Cash orders? We no longer allow cash orders. We won't even begin on your order until we have it online, and pre-paid. We're very sensative to emergency needs, however you must consider yourself inline behind people who planned ahead and placed their orders before you. They need their orders just as bad/quickly and we have deadlines to get them shipped.

~Payments: It's simple! Just place your order with a debit or credit card and let us know you want to pick up your order in the comments box. We will, of course, remove shipping charges for orders you are picking up prior to charging your credit or debit card here in the office.

~PAYPAL PAYMENT ARE NOT RECOMMENDED ON LOCAL PICK UP ORDERS!!!: PayPal will charge you shipping if you pay through PayPal. PayPal no longer refunds our merchant fees when we refund your shipping. So, you will only receive 95% of your shipping charges back as a refund if you choose to pay through PayPal. This may not make a big difference if your shipping shows $11 but if you are picking up 3 bags of wax, some jars and allot of fragrance and your shipping shows $120 (just an example) you will lose about $5 because that's what PayPal charges us on your payment.

~Shipping Charges: there is no way to keep the shipping charges from showing in your order or the confirmation email.

If you don't tell us in the comment section that you're having someone pick up your order it will get shipped. Once it ships the costs are not refunded.

~Where are you? Please enter "send location" in the comments and we will email you specific directions on how to get here.
PLEASE print these directions in case we are not able to answer the phone to help you find us.

Copyright © 2001-2024 Candle Soylutions